Magister Utriusque Iuris
Areas of Practice
Intellectual property law, including in particular trademarks, patents, design, copyright, corporate and trade names, unfair competition, protection of know-how and trade secrets.
Legal advice and legal representation in these areas, including conflicts and contentions matters, enforcement, drafting of contracts and legal opinions, intellectual property rights searches, prosecution of registration proceedings.
Career and Experience
Law studies at the Universities of Zurich, Neuchâtel, Fribourg and Strasbourg (2014).
Legal trainee at the legal department of Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad de Neuquén, Argentina; Legal trainee at the law firm Estudio Jurídico Hernán Duarte Abogados, in Neuquén, Argentina (2012); Legal trainee at the public prosecutor’s office in Switzerland (2014-2015); Substitute attorney at a general practice law firm in Switzerland (with venia advocandi 2015-2016). Attorney at E. Blum & Co. AG since 2016.
INTA | (International Trademark Association) |
Bilingual German/French, English, Spanish