E. Blum & Co. Ltd. - Patent and Trademark Attorneys - Materials Science

Materials Science

Interdisciplinary materials science embraces various fields such as chemistry, metallurgy, thin film technology, biochemistry and medicine. Research and development in materials science only enables modern batteries, mobile devices, implants or leight weight construction.

The result of research and development in this field, i.e. the new material, is patentable. This is true for the material as such be it a composite with an embedded agent, or be it a stabilized emulsion. In addition, products derived from such material are patentable, such as solar cells or suntan lotions. Likewise, methods for manufacturing new materials are patentable, such as the fabrication of a concrete beam. This is also true for new applications of such materials, e.g. as insulator. For startups corresponding patents are an important business asset for promoting growth and enabling cooperation. Well-established companies instead may define a USP based on the patent strategy and may differentiate from competitors as a result. In many projects dealing with new materials it is required to determine if patent protection is desired and which results of research and development are considered to be patentable. Our patent attorneys provide an informed basis for such decision making:

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