E. Blum & Co. Ltd. - Patent and Trademark Attorneys - Chemistry


Chemistry is not everything, but almost everything is chemistry ….

Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with substances, their structure, their properties, and their reactions with other substances.

Traditionally, chemistry is divided into the main sub-disciplines of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. There are further sub-disciplines, such as organometallic chemistry combining aspects of inorganic and organic chemistry, as well as technical chemistry / chemical engineering, and analytical chemistry. Chemistry describes the properties of substances and their reactions in solid, liquid, or gaseous state, in solution or in multiphase systems, however, it also deals with the specific features of substances in the form of small particles or micro particles or of surfaces or interfaces.

Inventions in the chemical field often are not classified as chemistry as such but as inventions in the pharmaceutical field, in building and construction materials, in foodstuffs, in environmental technology, etc. Our patent attorneys having practical experience in this field provide competent advice:

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