M.Sc. ETH in Mechanical Engineering et M.A. HSG in Law
European Patent Attorney
Swiss Patent Attorney
Areas of Practice
Counselling clients in the fields of mechanical and process engineering, drafting, and prosecution of patent applications, counselling clients in patent matters. Drafting and prosecution of patent applications, opposition and appeal proceedings, as well as opinions and litigation in patent matters, licensing, and legal opinions.
Tutor in the CEIPI Basic Training Course for prospective patent attorneys since 2019.
Career and Experience
Studies in mechanical engineering at ETH Zurich with specialization in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and computer-based applications. Further knowledge of combustion processes, heat transfer, machine learning, robotics and production engineering. Master’s thesis at the Laboratory for Energy Conversion. Several years experience at an independent engineering service provider, particularly in the area of product development of medical devices.
Studies in law at the universities of St. Gallen and Zurich. Bar admission in 2020. Experience in a renowned business law firm in Zurich with regular litigation before the Federal Patent Court.
Joined E. Blum & Co. AG in 2014.
J. Hochreutener, K. Sutter, „R&D Agreements“, 2024 (LinkedIn Article)
„Mittelbare Patentverletzung, Tagungsbericht Herbstseminar 2018“, sic! 2/ 2019
„Markenkategorien, Bericht über den Ittinger Workshop zum Kennzeichenrecht“, sic! 2/2019
„Patentschutz“, booster magazine 4/2018
“Zur dritten Äquivalenzfrage”, sic! 5/2017
„The third question of equivalence in view of the newest case law“, University of St. Gallen, master’s thesis 2016
INGRES | (Institute for the Protection of Industrial Property) |
VESPA | (Verband der freiberuflichen Europäischen und Schweizer Patentanwälte) |
INTA | (International Trademark Association) |
EPI | (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office) |
German, English