E. Blum & Co. Ltd. - Stelzer Zacharias

Zacharias Stelzer

Patent Attorney

Dr. sc. ETH Zurich
Dipl.-Geophys. (KIT)
European Patent Attorney
Swiss Patent Attorney



Areas of Practice

Counselling clients in patent matters, mainly in the fields of sensor systems, data processing, medtech and food technology.

Drafting and prosecution of patent applications, opposition and appeal proceedings, as well as opinions and litigation in patent matters, in particular at the Federal Patent Court, patent strategy counselling.

Career and Experience

Studies of physics and geophysics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) as well as at NTNU Trondheim (NO) with specialization in measurement and processing of seismic waves.

PhD at ETH Zurich in the field of geomagnetism conducting an experimental and numerical study of electrically-driven MHD flow (magnetohydrodynamics), awarded an ETH medal for PhD thesis.

Several years of professional experience in consulting in the areas of IT systems and business and process analysis with an independent ICT consulting company.

Joined E. Blum & Co. AG in 2017.


Z. Stelzer, C. Berk, „Grenzen der Patentierbarkeit“, Tagungsbericht VESPA-Herbstseminar 2021, sic! 2/2022 Tagungsbericht-Herbstseminar-2021-Stelzer-Berk-sic-2022-02-2.pdf


EPI (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office)
VSP (Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark Attorneys)
VESPA (Verband der freiberuflichen Europäischen und Schweizer Patentanwälte)
AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
INGRES (Institute for the Protection of Industrial Property)
LES (Licensing Executives Society)

Awards and Fellowships

2015: ETH medal for outstanding PhD thesis

2005 – 2010: Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation


German, English; passive skills of French and Norwegian