Dipl.-Ing. Maschinenbau FH
Wirtschaftsingenieur STV
European Patent Attorney
Swiss Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
WIPO Mediator & Arbitrator
Mediator SCCM
ArbP (SAA)
Areas of Practice
Consultancy services and expert opinions in patent matters, in particular with respect to patent infringement and patent validity, license agreements, drafting and prosecution of patent applications, patent litigation, due diligence, mediation, arbitration.
Career and Experience
Studies of mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Science FH Bochum, post graduate studies Wirtschaftsingenieur STV at the KS-Kaderschule St.Gallen, several years of occupation in different fields in the machine industry, patent attorney with E. Blum & Co. AG with core activities in the fields of mechanics, electrotechnics and materials technology, in particular in the areas of mechanical engineering, plant construction, civil engineering, process engineering and production technology. In 2016-2017 diploma “Patent Litigation in Europe” at the University of Strasbourg, 2018-2019 diploma Arbitration Practitioner ArbP (SAA) and diploma CAS in International Arbitration at Swiss Arbitration Academy (SAA). 2019 accreditation as mediator by the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM). 2018-2020 diploma CAS in Mediation at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW).
Joined E. Blum & Co. AG in 1999.
K. Sutter, M. Münch, “Aeltere Rechte unter dem revidierten PatG”, sic! Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations-und Wettbewerbsrecht, Vol 9/2008, pp. 665ff.
M. Münch, “The Opt-Out under the UPC-Rules of Procedure”, Exam Paper, University of Strasbourg, June 2017, www.academia.edu/43187269
M. Münch, “Similarities and Differences between the Presiding Arbitrator and the Party-Appointed Arbitrators in International Arbitration (in particular with respect to Independence and Influence on the Award)”, Research Paper, Universities of Lucerne and Neuchatel and the Swiss Arbitration Academy, March 2019, www.academia.edu/43187222
M. Münch, “Der Neutralitätsbegriff in Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Mediation (eine vergleichende Darstellung)”, Exam Paper, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), February 2020, www.academia.edu/44214570
EPI | (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office) |
VESPA | (Verband der freiberuflichen Europäischen und Schweizer Patentanwälte) |
VSP | (Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark Attorneys) |
FICPI | (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys) |
WIPO | (World Intellectual Property Organization) Member of the WIPO List of Mediators and Arbitrators |
ASA | (Swiss Arbitration Association) |
INTA | (International Trademark Association) |
SKWM | (Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation) |
German, English